Thursday, October 10, 2013


1) Firstly, accept that Allah Almighty exists and that His attributes are beyond our imagination. He is capable of everything and anything. Faith in Allah with knowledge strictly deduced from Qur'an and Sunnah is incumbent . Secondly, accept that Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is the last of a long line of Prophets that started with Prophet Adam(peace be upon him), and continued with such notable figures as Prophet Nooh(Noah)(peace be upon him), Prophet Ibrahim(Abraham)(peace be upon him), Prophet Moosa(Moses)(peace be upon him), and others.Also,accept that the Holy Quran is the most recent and true word of Allah

2) Pray sincerely. Affirm that Allah is the closest to you with His knowledge. Always pray on time, never delay. Never do things that will prevent you from doing tasks that are of much greater importance. Nothing can be more important than obeying that which Allah asks of you. For instance, even while working or studying, halt everything you are doing and go to the nearest mosque to pray. If somebody were to ask you where you are heading, say that you are answering Allah's call to prayer

3)  Pray in the middle of the night. Pray when most people around you are sleeping soundly. The name of the prayer is Tahajjud. However to perform this special voluntary prayer, you must have some sleep first, even if it is of a very short duration. The night is the most efficacious time to pray.

4) Recite His name every time. Also known as Zikr in Islamic nomenclature (terminology), reciting Allah's name will ultimately make you a strong Muslim because you are constantly reminded of what good He has done for you and all of humanity.

 5) Be grateful for everything you have, be it spiritual, mental, or physical. The more gracious you are, the more you will realize how much you have been blessed. And, by doing this, Allah willing, you will be stronger because you will believe that Allah is omnipresent

6)  Protect your chastity. You must know that adultery is a sinful act, and thus must always avoid it. This applies to both men and women. Women should not wear tight or revealing clothing, and men should always lower their gaze and be modest.

7) Keep to your promises. If you feel that you cannot manage something, just inform the other party as soon as you can. Abiding by sworn promises will ultimately make you a trustworthy person.

8) Respect the opinion of others. No opinions can be "bad" or "stupid". You should treat them as gems, or learn to derive gems from them. Without opinions, things will never get better. If you do not like an idea, do not invalidate it right away; instead, add on to the idea to improve it.

9) Fast for the right reasons. Do NOT fast because you want to impress others or because you want to feel superior in terms of the popularity you will gain when you get fitter. Fast with the intentions to please only Allah, and to get the reward for doing so. Additionally, fast because you will be able to perform your prayers correctly and effectively and want to be responsible over your health. Nevertheless, fast in order to relate to those who do not have privileges like food and water. Fast twice a week, preferably on Mondays and Thursdays. Fast during the month of Ramadan and also on the day of Arafah, which is on the 9th of Zulhijjah. Allah will forgive all the sins you have done for one year before and after should you fast on the day of Arafah

10) Never lie. It should be emphasized again. Allah hates his adherents to lie to others. Your integrity will directly have an impact towards your dignity. People will look high upon you if you are honest and true to whatever you say. Unless the lie will actually cover up somebody else's shame or will avoid distress for everybody, lying is not permissible. For instance, if your friend has stolen money from his parents, you should not tell others that your friend has once stolen money.

11) Be good to your family, if you are a man. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "The best of you is he who is the best to his family." Accordingly, be kind to them, always support them

12) Struggle towards goodwill. Sacrifice your time and visit the mosque if there is a lecture. Forfeit your property to those who need it more than you do. In other words, always give charity. The recipient will be thankful that you have given them aid in their daily life. Remember, the one who gives is better (in the context of providing alms) than the one who receives

 13) Practice felicity towards everything. Be gentle and good-hearted not only to your parents, but to your cousins, to your friends, and even to the flora and fauna around you. Always protect your surroundings. Never ever be aggressive towards animals. You can always protect the environment by throwing rubbish properly and using public transportation

14) Be gracious towards your parents. They work very hard to sustain the lives in their households, which includes bringing food and other things. Your mother suffered great pains to bring you into this world. What have you done to say thanks to them? They have brought joy to your life by buying you presents every now and then. Have you acknowledged that and appreciated them? Do whatever they expect of you and you will surely be fine in the eyes of Allah

15) Don't sough over your loved one's death. Know that Allah did that because He loves your loved ones even more than you do. Accept that death is a resting phase for your loved ones against all the trouble this world can bring about.

16) Never waste your Time on useless things. Time is a blessing, make sure the way you use it always comes as fruitful

17) Read the Quran a lot. Think deeply in every sentence's ((Ayat)) meaning in Quran. Discuss among your friends and seek for their conclusions. Whenever you find that you can't understand the main meaning of any sentence, refer to "Explanations of Quran" or "Tafsir" books from great ethereal persons, or ask a knowledgeable person. It will keep your iman stronger. It will keep your soul pure. You'll get thawab for every letter you said. The Prophet Muhammad(peace and blessings upon him) said, "Two hours of thinking in Quran's meaning, is better than one hundred years of praying."

18)  Try a lot to seek out knowledge, even if it is to be in your enemy’s hands. Remember though that it is best to learn from authentic Muslim sources as some websites and books seek to misinform people about Islam.

19) Always think right. Never let evil ideas come into your mind.

20) Keep your body, clothes, housewares and everything you own clean. Use fragrances frequently and dress in warm, modest, and welcoming clothing

21) Always help the poor and orphans by any means possible. Feed them; give them some money, and etc. These have a lot of deeds (thawab).

22) Repent if you have committed a sin anytime. Allah shall forgive you, In Sha Allah. Then, try to not repeat the same sin again. After all, He is the one you shall meet in the after life, so obey his law and He shall give you paradise.

23) In order to be a good Muslim, you are obliged to believe in what the Quran and Hadith say, as In the Quran it says "Obey Allah and Obey the Messenger." It is wrong to neglect belief in Hadith, but one should always check to make sure they are sound, or take them from a trusted source like Sahih bukhari or muslim (two books of hadith)[Find out if a Hadith Is Authentic or Not]


Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Assalamualaikum ya akhi ya ukhti..kebelakangan ni isu syiah semakin berleluasa..hati2 ya kawan2 dalam menuntut ilmu, agak2 pelik je tu jangan la join.

ok..sedikit sejarah tentang syiah ni dan asal usul terbentuk nya syiah:

SYIAH pada bahasa bermaksud pengikut tetapi istilah kaum Syiah yang bakal ana paparkan ini bermaksud kaum yang beri'itiqad bahawa Saidina Ali KWJ adalah orang yang berhak menjadi Khalifah pengganti Nabi Muhammad SAW setelah kewafatannya kerana Baginda SAW berwasiat bahawa pengganti beliau sesudah wafat adalah Saidina Ali. Oleh itu, mereka menganggap bahawa Saidina Abu Bakar As-Siddiq, Saidina Umar Al-Khathab dan Saidina Uthman bin Affan adalah Khalifah yang tidak sah, perampas-perampas yang berdosa kerana mengambil pangkat khalifah tanpa hak dari Saidina Ali bin Abi Talib.
Fahaman Syiah merupakan kaum yang pertama muncul setelah kewafatan Rasulullah SAW dan muncul pada zaman Kuhalafa' Ar-Rasyidin lagi. Fahaman ini telah diasaskan oleh seorang pendeta Yahudi dari Yaman yang baru memeluk agama Islam. Pendeta Yahudi yang dimaksudkan itu ialah Abdullah bin Saba'. Setelah beliau memeluk agama Islam, beliau telah berhijrah ke Madinah pada akhir-akhir tahun penguasaan Khalifah Uthman bin Affan iaitu sekitar tahun 30H. Beliau mengharapkan apabila beliau tiba di Madinah, beliau akan disambut oleh Khalifah kerana beliau merupakan seorang pendeta besar Yahudi dari Yaman yang baru memeluk Islam. Namun, sangkaannya meleset kerana beliau tidak mendapat penghargaan dari Khalifah Uthman r.a. dan orang-orang besar di Madinah pada ketika itu. Maka, beliau sangatlah kesal. Sebahagian sejarawan mengatakan bahawa Abdullah bin Saba' memeluk Islam adalah bertujuan untuk menghancurkan Islam dari dalam kerana beliau tidak mampu untuk menghancurkannya dari luar. 
Oleh itu, Abdullah bin Saba' menjadi benci terhadap Saidina Uthman bin Affan dan menggerakkan gerakan anti Saidina Uthman serta berusaha menjatuhkan beliau seterusnya menggantikannya dengan Saidina Ali bin Abi Talib. Tampaknya, usaha beliau mendapat pasaran di kota-kota besar umat Islam ketika itu, seperti di Madinah, Mesir, Kufah, Basrah dan lain-lain. Ini kerana ramai orang Islam sudah tidak menyukai Saidina Uthman kerana beliau telah menghilangkan cincin stempel ( cincin cap atau lambang kerajaan ) Nabi Muhammad SAW dan juga beliau banyak mengangkat orang-orang dari suku beliau, iaitu orang-orang Bani Umaiyah menjadi ketua-ketua daerah. 
Demi cita-citanya untuk menjatuhkan dan mengalahkan Saidina Uthman bin Affan r.a., Abdullah bin Saba' telah pergi ke Mesir, Kufah, Basrah, Damsyik dan lain-lain kota untuk mengadakan propaganda tentang keagungan Saidina Ali bin Abi Talib. Beliau sangat berlebih-lebihan mengagungkan Saidina Ali KWJ dan sangat berani mengadakan hadis-hadis palsu yang bertujuan untuk mengagungkan Saidina Ali serta merendah-rendahkan Saidina Abu Bakar, Saidina Umar dan Saidina Uthman. Pemberontakan terhadap Saidina Uthman oleh kaum Syiah akhirnya membawa kepada pembunuhan Saidina Uthman bin Affan r.a. Sehubungan dengan itu, maka naiklah Saidina Ali KWJ sebagai khalifah Islam yang keempat menurut Ahlussunnah Wal Jama'ah manakala Syiah menganggap Saidina Ali adalah khalifah Islam yang pertama kerana mereka tidak mengiktiraf ketiga-tiga khalifah sebelumnya.
Pada waktu ini, timbullah 4 golongan ketika pemerintahan Saidina Ali KWJ iaitu;

  1. Golongan Syiah dan sebahagian Ahlussunnah yang mengangkat Saidina Ali sebagai khalifah.
  2. Golongan Saidina Muawiyah bin Abi Suffian yang tidak menyokong Saidina Ali dan menganggap Saidina Ali terlibat dalam pembunuhan Saidina Uthman seterusnya mengangkat Saidina Muawiyah menjadi khalifah.
  3. Golongan Siti Aisyah Ummul Mukminin r.a. dan diikuti Talhah dan Zuber yang tidak menyokong Saidina Ali sebagai khalifah kerana menganggap Saidina Ali diangkat kerana paksaan tetapi tidak menyalahkan Saidina Ali dalam pembunuhan Saidina Uthman r.a.
  4. Golongan yang diketuai oleh Abdullah bin Umar diikuti Muhammad bin Salamah, Usamah bin Zaid, Saad bin Abi Waqas, Hasan bin Thabit, Abdullah bin Salam dan sahabat-sahabat lain. Golongan ini tidak menyokong mana-mana pihak.
Keempat-empat golongan ini hanya muncul dan habis di situ sahaja kecuali golongan Syiah yang sehingga kini menjadi salah satu fahaman yang bercanggah dengan fahaman Nabi Muhammad SAW dan para sahabat.

Ketika pemerintahan Saidina Ali, terjadilah peperangan yang pertama melibatkan peperangan sesama Islam iaitu peperangan Jamal dan peperangan Siffin.
  • Peperangan Jamal tercetus pada tahun 36H iaitu setahun setelah Saidina Ali menjadi Khalifah. Peperangan ini melibatkan dua tentera Islam iaitu tentera Islam yang dipimpin oleh Saidatina Aisyah, Talhah dan Zuber manakala tentera Islam yang sebelah lagi dipimpin oleh Saidina Ali bin Abi Talib. Peperangan ini bukan kecil. Saidina Ali telah membawa askarnya sebanyak 200,000 ribu orang dan Siti Aisyah juga membawa askarnya sebanyak itu. Akhirnya Saidatina Aisyah kalah. Talhah dan Zuber telah terbunuh dalam peperangan tersebut manakala Saidatina Aisyah ditawan oleh Saidina Ali. Namun begitu, Saidatina Aisyah tidak dijadikan tawanan Saidina Ali kerana Siti Aisyah dhormati  sebagai ibu dan menghantarnya kembali ke Makkah dengan segala kehormatannya.
  • Peperangan Siffin pula tercetus pada tahun 37H yang melibatkan tentera Islam yang dipimpin oleh Saidina Ali dan sebelah pihak lagi dipimpin oleh Saidina Muawiyah. Peperangan ini terjadi di suatu tempat di Iraq yang dinamakan Siffin. Peperangan ini telah menyebabkan 25000 orang tentera terkorban di pihak Saidina Ali manakala 45000 orang tentera terkorban di pihak Saidina Muawiyah. Apabila tentera Saidina Muawiyah hampir kalah, maka Saidina Muawiyah telah mengacukan tombak yang dihujungnya diikatkan dengan kitab Suci Al-Quran sebagai tanda Saidina Muawiyah ingin berdamai. Maka, Saidina Ali menerima perdamaian itu dan mengadakan perundingan.
Namun begitu, permusuhan antara Saidina Ali dan Saidina Muawiyah masih berterusan sehinggalah pada tahun 40H, terjadilah suatu komplot Kaum Khawarij iaitu kaum yang tidak menyokong Saidina Ali dan Saidina Muawiyah untuk membunuh Saidina Ali dan Saidina Muawiyah sekaligus. Pembunuhan itu telah diatur pada waktu subuh yang sama tanggal 17 Ramadhan 40H iaitu pada ketika mereka itu keluar hendak sembahyang subuh di masjid. Qadar Ilahi menetukan bahawa Saidina Ali dapat dibunuh oleh Abdurrahman bin Muljan manakala Saidina Muawiyah dan Amru tidak dapat dibunuh. Saidina Ali bin Abi Talib meninggal pada 17 Ramadhan 40H dan dimakamkan di Najaf, Baghdad.

Sehingga kini kita dapat lihat fahaman Syiah ini masih lagi dianuti sesetengah umat Islam terutamanya di Iran, Iraq dan Syria. Iran merupakan negara yang majoritinya adalah Syiah manakala Iraq dan Syria hanya sebahagian sahaja. Sebahagian lagi adalah Ahlussunnah Wal Jama'ah. Sebab itu, negara Iraq selalu berlaku pertempuran yang melibatkan 2 kaum yang terbesar ini. Menurut Orientalis Barat mengatakan bahawa 'faham Syiah itu ialah faham yang mencintai Saidina Ali atau orang-orang yang mencintai ahlil bait Rasulullah'. Ini kenyataan yang keliru kerana umat Islam yang berfahaman Ahlussunnah Wal Jama'ah juga mencintai ahlil bait Rasulullah seperti yang selalu disebut dalam selawat. Wallahu'alam.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Istikharah: The Guidance Prayer

We are humans, powerless in this sphere of life, knowledgeable only enough to survive. So why shouldn't we turn to Allah and seek His perfect help whenever we require it? Allah responds to the call of His servant when he asks for guidance, and we are after all seeking to do something in order to please Him.

Istikharah means to ask Allah to guide you to the path best for you concerning an affair with two halal options. In matters that are wajib (obligatory), haram (forbidden) or makruh (disliked) there is no need to pray Istikharah. Salaat-ul-Istikharah should only be used for matters that are mubah (allowed) or in matters that are mustahabb (liked or encouraged), in which there is a decision to be made as to which one should be given priority (i.e. get married or go to grad school).

Many wrong notions exist concerning istikharah. Many Muslims will pray, read the du'a, and run to bed expecting to see a dream showing them their future wife, what her favourite colour is, and some other weird fantasy. That is not the purpose of this salat.

The results of an istikharah can take many forms. Basically, you go by your feelings, whether you now feel more favourable or not. Also, you may notice events have changed, either for or against you. Note that you must follow the results of an istikharah, because not doing so is tantamount to rejecting Allah's guidance once you've asked for it. Also, you should firstly clear your mind, not have your mind already decided, and then afterwards follow the results willingly.

It is a sunnah that, if one must choose between permissible alternaratives, one may pray two non-obligatory rak'at, even if they are of the sunnah prayers or a prayer for entering the mosque, and so on, during any time of the day or night, and to recite therein whatever one wishes of the Qur'an after reciting al-Fatihah. Then one praises Allah and sends salutations to the Prophet and recites the supplication in the Hadith below.

The description of Salaat-ul-Istikharah was narrated by Jabir ibn 'Abd- Allah al-Salami (may Allah be pleased with him) who said:

"The Messenger of Allah used to teach his companions to make istikharah in all things, just as he used to teach them surahs from the Qur'an.

He said: 'If any one of you is concerned about a decision he has to make, then let him pray two rak'ahs of non-obligatory prayer, then say:

'O Allah, I seek Your guidance [in making a choice] by virtue of Your knowledge, and I seek ability by virtue of Your power, and I ask You of Your great bounty. You have power, I have none. And You know, I know not. You are the Knower of hidden things. O Allah, if in Your knowledge, this matter (then it should be mentioned by name) is good for me both in this world and in the Hereafter (or: in my religion, my livelihood and my affairs), then ordain it for me, make it easy for me, and bless it for me. And if in Your knowledge it is bad for me and for my religion, my livelihood and my affairs (or: for me both in this world and the next), then turn me away from it, [and turn it away from me], and ordain for me the good wherever it may be and make me pleased with it."

The Prophet added that then the person should mention his need. [Sahih Bukhari]

Salat-ul-Istikharah is just two rakats of a non-obligatory prayer, prayed at anytime during the day, with a specific dua at the end. While reciting the dua, you should be thinking about the situation you want to be advised about with pure intentions and from the bottom of your heart. And Allah says that whenever he guides a heart aright it can never be misguided. Afterwards, you should 'have a good feeling' about one of your options. Whatever option you feel is best right after you say the dua should be your decision. If you're still in doubt, you can repeat.

An-Nawawi holds that

"...after performing the istikharah, a person must do what he is wholeheartedly inclined to do and feels good about doing and should not insist on doing what he had desired to do before making the istikharah. And if his feelings change, he should leave what he had intended to do, otherwise he is not completely leaving the choice to Allah, and would not be honest in seeking aid from Allah's power and knowledge. Sincerity in seeking Allah's choice, means that one should completely leave what he himself had desired or determined."

Some people mistakenly wait for a dream to give a clear sign as to what decision to make, but this is not true, and often times it never really happens. In fact, dreams may lead you away from what Allah wants you to do, as Shaytan might try to deceive you in your dreams.

Salat-ul-Istikharah is for everybody. It's a way for all of us to implore Allah for divine guidance and mercy. It is yet another invaluable resource from Allah to keep us on the straight and narrow Sirat al-Mustaqim. The Prophet told all Muslims about Istikharah, not just the scholars. Despite this gift, too many of us take the advice of our friends and parents, or accept the norms of our society and act without ever wondering what Allah wants us to do. We must stop looking to the dunya for guidance. We must begin to consult Allah.

I cannot provide a better conclusion than saying that you must put your trust in Allah. You must have trust in His concern for us, and His ability to help us. Allah says:

"Put your trust in Allâh, certainly, Allâh loves those who put their trust (in Him)." [Surah Al-Imran Ayah 159]

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Tasir Surah Al-Hujurat ayat 6

Assalamualaikum ya akhi ya ukhti..ada masa sikit ni..just nak share tafsir surah di bawah..

'Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Jika datang kepada kamu seorang fasik membawa sesuatu berita, maka selidikilah (untuk menentukan) kebenarannya, supaya kamu tidak menimpakan sesuatu kaum dengan perkara yang tidak diingini dengan sebab kejahilan kamu (mengenainya) sehingga menjadikan kamu menyesali apa yang kamu telah lakukan'

Al-Hujurat ayat 6 
Moral: Sebaik baiknya kita selidik lah dahulu sebelum judge atau menghukum seseorang itu dan seseorang mukmin dilarang tergesa-gesa mempercayai sesuatu berita disebarkan atau jangan terlalu cepat pula menafikannya sebelum membuat penelitian serta penyelidikan terhadap kebenaran berita itu. Ini semata-mata untuk mengelak daripada melakukan kesalahan di atas kesamaran dan mengelakkan dari terjerumus kepada fitnah..

Dan Rasulullah SAW telah bersabda yang bermaksud: "Menyelidiki dengan tenang adalah daripada Allah dan tergopoh-gapah (itu) adalah daripada syaitan." (Al-Tabariy).

Kita hanya manusia biasa..tiada hak untuk judge sesiapa melain kan Allah SWT..Moga Allah sentiasa melindungi kita dari sebarang keburukan..amin..Renung2kan..Allahua'lam

Barakallah..Jumpa lagi di nukilan yg akan datang..Jazakumullahu khairan kathira..:)